What is this?
This is a simple one question poll generator that requires payment from voters. You can use this to run polls that are harder to manipulate due to cost while earning satoshis.
How do I use it?
To Create a Poll:
Write your question, options and set a cost OR payment per vote for the question and click Save. A one time invoice of 100 satoshis will be created, pay it with your wallet and your poll will be live. Share the poll link to get answers from others, use the result link to track progress.Click "Balance" on the top of the page anytime to withdraw. Enter amount and click Refill on result page to fund the paying poll with more budget.
To Vote on a Poll:
Choose your preferred option and click "Vote". Pay the voting fee with your Lightning enabled Bitcoin wallet to see the results.
Who? Why? Issues?
Contact: telegram group or email